Your comments

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

Our online Hebrew and Gregorian date converter at only supports Gregorian years 1-9999. We do not offer date conversion tools for before the Common Era.

Please note the large warning at the top of the page.

Note! You are viewing a calendar for Gregorian year 5780, which is 3760 years in the future.
Did you really mean to do this? Perhaps you intended to get the calendar for Hebrew year 5780?
If you really intended to use Gregorian year 5780, please continue. results this far in the future should be accurate.

Note that there appears to be a limitation in Android calendar where events more than one year in the future will NOT sync to your device. The events are visible on the Google Calendar on the Web but will not download to the device until the current date approaches more closely.

See these articles for more detail:

How do I sync Google Calendar events that occur more than one year in the future?

Android Bug #41281

Note that there appears to be a limitation in Android calendar where events more than one year in the future will NOT sync to your device. The events are visible on the Google Calendar on the Web but will not download to the device until the current date approaches more closely.

See these articles for more detail:

How do I sync Google Calendar events that occur more than one year in the future?

Android Bug #41281

Triennial readings are already posted on the bottom of each parasha page if they differ in future cycles. Scroll down to the bottom of a parasha page and look for "Triennial readings for previous and future cycles".

In addition, you can also download triennial leyning schedules for 10 years into the future in CSV format here:

at the bottom of the page you will see something that says 

Triennial readings for previous and future cycles

Thanks for this suggestion. We will look into implementing something similar.

Hello, thanks for using Hebcal. The 11 of Sivan begins Thursday night at sundown, and the majority of 11 Sivan is in fact on Friday.

Hello, thanks for using Hebcal!

We have added documentation for the lg= parameter to this API:

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal!

We don't see the error - could you explain which day in May or June is incorrectly shown as ניסן when in fact it's supposed to be סיון