Your comments

Thanks for your message. Hebcal uses the same schema as - both are derived from a 1998 implementation in Lisp by Bob Newell!topic/comp.emacs/Gr-rijg2kgM

The Wikipedia article on קדשים‎‎ describes Maimonides' ordering of the tractates which disagrees with our version.

In particular, Maimonides places Kinnim last (and we place it between Meilah and Tamid).

If you’d like to include candle-lighting times for Shabbat and holidays, be sure to adjust the urlparameter to include c=on and one of the location fields (such as geonameid=3448439 for São Paulo, Brazil).

You may need to consult the documentation on how to use non-English names for the days of the week.

No, sorry, we don't offer that feature.

use &lg=h instead of &lg=s in the Hebcal URL for Hebrew. You may need to consult the documentation on RTL support on their end.

Our apologies; we haven't had time to touch the wordpress plugin in a very, very long time.