Your comments

To include Yom HaShoah and other modern holidays, be sure to check the "modern holidays" option at

The Jewish calendar consists of 12 or 13 months of 29 or 30 days, and can be 353, 354, 355, 383, 384 or 385 days long.

Our REST API doesn't yet expose holiday Torah readings. This is a missing feature

In the interim, your best bet might to download CSV leyning spreadsheets that we post here, as they include the aliyah-by-aliyah breakdown:

Download them, load them into a database of your choice.

70 years after 5 Iyyar 5708 on the Hebrew calendar would be 5 Iyyar 5778. You can convert that back to Gregorian at

Rosh Hashana falls on the 1st of Tishrei, between Elul and Cheshvan.

You can download calendars for Google Calendar and more at

The month of Elul has 29 days. No mistake on our calendar.

Sorry to hear that Alexa is having trouble recognizing the name of our skill.

You can try saying "Alexa, open Hebcal"

Hello, does not provide Android apps, free or premium. We have been providing a Jewish holiday and calendar website since 1998. Recently, an unaffiliated 3rd party called BotenSoft released a similarly-named Android app called HebCal.

If you're looking for support for the unrelated BotenSoft product, please contact Nahum Ben-Porath of BotenSoft.

Thanks for the bug report! We fixed the problem.