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This article describes how to make changes to a Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar that you downloaded, exported or subscribed to in a calendar app like Outlook, Google Calendar / Android, or Apple (iOS, iPhone, iPad or Mac). These instructions apply to personal events such as yahrzeits, Hebrew Birthdays, and Hebrew Anniversaries.

How to make changes to a Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar

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Hi, thanks for using Hebcal!

Visit on your phone to create a personal list of Yahrzeit (memorial) and Yizkor dates, Hebrew Birthdays and Anniversaries for 20+ years. Free annual email reminders & calendar downloads.

Or, if you create a personal calendar on a macOS computer, you can subscribe in iCloud and the calendar will also sync to your phone.

Hi, we have completed an initial implementation of the Daily Rambam (1 chapter a day) feed.

Please take a look and share your feedback!

Hi Ben, we added the ability to store & edit Yahrzeit/Anniversary calendars in August 2020. Please visit that updated link to learn more about how this works for calendars created both before and after the new feature was added.

Thanks for this suggestion. We will work on adding this calendar feed.

Thanks for the bug report! We're very sorry about the inconvenience. The error has been fixed.

Shabbat shalom!

You can buy a paper calendar from Amazon - here is one that we like:

The Jewish Calendar 16-Month 2022-2023 Wall Calendar: Jewish Year 5783

Note: when you buy a calendar using a link on this page, we receive a commission. Thank you for supporting Hebcal.

If you're looking to print something yourself, we have a short article on Printing out Hebcal Jewish calendars.