Your comments

Hi, thanks for using the Hebcal Apple Watch app.

We've seen this issue before, and it's a problem because our watch app doesn't have a companion iPhone app. This is a new feature that Apple introduced recently and there are still some bugs with how the user experience works. The long-term fix for us will be to release an iPhone companion app.

In the short term, however, the best workaround we can recommend is to go to the App Store on the watch itself and search for (and install) Hebcal. By installing the app directly on the watch, it seems to work around this error.

We hope this helps!

Hi, thanks for contacting Hebcal. You can create a personal list of Yahrzeit (memorial) and Yizkor dates, Hebrew Birthdays and Anniversaries for 20+ years at this page:

If you know the Hebrew but not the Gregorian date, you can use the Hebrew Date Converter to get the Gregorian date of death, and then come back to the Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar page.

If you don't know the Hebrew year, it may be difficult to get a correct date conversion. You could try to estimate it, but you might end up with an incorrect result. The rules for calculating birthdays and yahrzeits are a bit complicated and depend on the actual attributes of the Hebrew year they occurred in -- was it a leap year (Adar vs. Adar I vs. Adar II)? Short Kislev? Long Cheshvan? For more details, you can read the article How does Hebcal determine anniversaries (birthdays, yahrzeits) in Adar, Cheshvan, or Kislev?

Fantastic! Glad to hear that the dayCellDidMount hook was the right solution.

Hi, thanks for contacting us.

This sounds like a FullCalendar configuration option. You may have to do some complicated JavaScript engineering to make that happen. Try using the FullCalendar dayCellContent render hook and see if that works?

Let us know if that works for you?

We're sorry we can't offer more support here -- Hebcal isn't affiliated with the FullCalendar project. You can contact the FullCalendar folks for additional help.

Hi, thanks for using the Hebcal Yahrzeit, Hebrew Birthdays, and Hebrew Anniversaries tool.

Here are instructions from Google Calendar on how to rename a calendar.

Edit your calendar's name

  1. Open Google Calendar .
  2. On the left side of the page, under "My calendars," or "Other calendars," find your calendar.
  3. Next to your calendar, click Options More and then Settings and sharing.
  4. In the box at the top, choose a new name.

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

If you used the Hebcal Android (Google Calendar) download instructions, then you should be able to view the same holidays on Google Calendar on your laptop.

Please note, there is a confusingly similar named Android app called HebCal & Widget available on the Google Play store. This app is not affiliated with in any way. It is developed by a completely separate organization called BotenSoft. The Hebcal name isn't trademarked so we can't stop them from using it.

Although they use the same name, we have no relationship with BotenSoft and cannot offer support for their app.

Thanks for using Hebcal APIs.

Our REST APIs accept only a single geonameid. There is no way to send more than one in a single request. The only way to get events for multiple locations is to make multiple API requests.

Golf luck with your application!

Hi, thanks for posting this question on the Hebcal user support page.

As you correctly observed, the Shabbat candle lighting times widget doesn't natively support any ability for visitors to enter their own location. 

A software developer could use the API to offer such a feature and integrate it into your wordpress website. We regret that we at aren't able to do that work (even for pay). 

We'll leave this question open in the hopes that someone else who might be interested in taking on the work will respond.

Best of luck to you!

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

We apologize that the calendar feed for daily zmanim is not published anywhere on the Hebcal website. We do have experimental iCalendar feeds you can add to Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Outlook, etc. These are free to use, with the caveat that they don't offer any customization. This is an iCalendar feed variation of our Zmanim developer API.

Because these calendar feeds are still a new feature in "soft launch" phase, we haven't publicized/documented them well, and as such they are a little tricky to use. If you are comfortable using iCalendar feeds, you may be able to make use of this feature immediately.

For the full Zmanim iCalendar feed, you can use this URL format

You will need to replace zip= with your USA ZIP code. Or, if you live outside of the US, use geonameid= with a ID for any of 100,000 world cities supported by You can find the geonameid to use by going to our Shabbat Times page, search for your city, click the "Get Shabbat Times" button, then look for geonameid= in the results page URL.

For sunrise/sunset only, you can subscribe to this iCalendar feed:

Shabbat shalom!