
"isHoliday" property

Orh1989 8 months ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 6 months ago 4

Could you extend the json response for the
so it will contains a property says "isHoliday" or something like that?
I believe if you know to point that is Yom HaAtzma’ut, you will know to mention true or false for "isHoliday".
Just to clarify, 29 Elul (for example) is also consider as holiday, since it's half day work (non-business day).




for details about holidays, we recommend you instead use the Jewish Calendar API


you can control the event types by specifying exactly which holidays you want to see, and when parsing the result you can use the category and subcat fields to understand what types of holiday events the API returns

Also, please note the &yto=on option as specified on the Jewish Calendar API documentation.

If you wish to use the Israel holiday schedule (and not the Diaspora, which is the default), use &i=on per the documentation. In Israel there is only one day of Yom tov for Shavuot, so there will be no "Shavuot II" event.

I don't think it's robust enough. 


Shavout marked as yom tov Jun 11-13.

However, at Jun 11 it returns "Erev Shavout" and while I'm looking for "Shavout" it was not found "Erev Shavout" (Jun 11) so my code regonize as business day while it's not. So I changed the code to looking for substring of "Shavout" which wasn't good as well since it's found "Shavout II" (Jun 13). 
"isHoliday" in my point of view will be only Erev Shavout and Shavout but I need some how to find these specfic two.


for details about holidays, we recommend you instead use the Jewish Calendar API


you can control the event types by specifying exactly which holidays you want to see, and when parsing the result you can use the category and subcat fields to understand what types of holiday events the API returns