Forum for - Free Jewish holiday calendars, Hebrew date converters and Shabbat times

Eleven months calculator for end of Kaddish for Parent

Rabbi David Cantor 9 months ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 9 months ago 1

we have a local tradition of saying Kaddish for a parent for "Eleven months less a day". I would find it helpful to have "the end of Kaddish for a parent" date added to the Yahrzeit calculator, and also the ability to count the first yahrzeit from the day of burial.


I appreciate very much receiving this Yahrzeit reminder. Will this be done every year?

arniecohen 1 year ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 1 year ago 1

Today I received a Yahrzeit reminder for my son who past away on July 23rd 2021. Will you continue to send reminders.

I am 80 years of age and if you do continue to send reminders, can I add my wife's and my daughter's email address.

Thank you, A Cohen

Michael J. Radwin 1 year ago

Yes, if you subscribe to annual email reminders, you will continue to receive reminders each year unless you opt-out or unsubscribe.

To add an additional email address to receive annual anniversary reminders, follow these instructions:


Bar/bat mitzvah calculator

Rabbi J Weiner 1 year ago updated by israel wissotzky 1 year ago 3

Dear Hebcal team, I would love to have a function, either on your site or code I could put on our synagogue website, where you simply put in the Gregorian date of birth and it gives you the shabbat after 13 (or 12) years and a day later. Does that already exist? If not, would it be easy to create? (If you do it, please have language functions so that it would display in French!) Thank you so much.


Michael J. Radwin 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion! We don't currently offer such a feature and it would be a great addition.

Chabad does offer this feature on their website


HEBEVENTS returns diaspora event only

Shlomik 1 year ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 1 year ago 2

When calling the GoogleSheets HEBEVENTS function with the date of May 27th (2023) the result is "Shavuot II", though in Israel this is a regular "Parashat Naso".

I think we better have another parameter saying whether the client needs Israel or diaspora events.

Thank you so much for this service!!

It is unbelievable how useful and helpful it is, for so many Jews around the world.

חזקו ואימצו

Michael J. Radwin 1 year ago

Hi, shavua tov. The Hebrew Date Converter Google sheets Add-on was built by an independent organization called YML Solutions.

This plugin uses the Hebcal APIs but otherwise we aren't affiliated with their product. You will need to contact them directly to ask them to make the change to add an optional Israel boolean parameter to their function.

We are truly sorry we can't help further with this issue.

Under review

Shabbat times enter a and exit are the same

binyaminl 2 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 2 years ago 1

I run the hebcal on Google pixel4 graphineos for some strange raison the time of entre and exit of Sabbath are the same. Any idea why?

Under review

Embedding Shabbat candle lighting times API with the ability to select different locations (like Chabad's)

Nathaniel 2 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 2 years ago 1

We need someone who can integrate the HebCal Shabbat candle lighting times API with the ability for visitors to input their local location into our wordpress website? We've tried to follow the documentation but need help. Willing to pay. Email


Candle Lighting Times / Shabbat ? Chag End Times in Los Angeles 2022-2023

Abner Sadik 2 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 2 years ago 1

Hi - I need a candle lighting and shabbat/chag end time chart for the upcoming year of 2022-2023. How can i create one for Los Angeles?


Something that looks like this picture

Image 169

Michael J. Radwin 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for contacting Hebcal.

Yes! Check out this page:

Candle-lighting Times Year at a Glance

Fill out the form below to get Shabbat and holiday candle lighting times and Parashat haShavuah (weekly Torah Portion) for the entire year on a single page. You can print it out and post it on your refrigerator.

Shabbat shalom!

Under review

Reading dates for the Five Megillot

etayluz 2 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 2 years ago 1

The Eicha (Book of Lamentations) reading is coming up on Tisha B'Av Saturday night August 6, 2022 following Shabbat.

Michael, could you kindly include a csv (ranging years 5780 to 5793) for the Five Megillot which contains reading dates for Book of Lamentations (Eicha - Tisha B'Av), Book of Esther (Purim), Song of Songs (Sabbath of Passover), Book of Ruth (Shavuot), and Ecclesiastes (Sukkot)

Are these books read in their entirety or are only some of their chapters read?


sephardi torah/haftarah readings

Michael Mocatta 3 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 1 year ago 3

Sephardi readings are often different. For instance, on Shabbat Pesach I, we read an additional verse (Joshua 6.27) at the end of the standard reading. 

HebCal does not show these differences. Which makes it an unreliable resource for sephardim. Which is a shame - as it's fixable. It would be great if you fixed it! Then you'd have a resource for all of Am Yisrael.


Emoji's for Holidays

Ronny 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2


I love the feature you added in the Calendar with the emoji's for the holidays.

Here some suggestions, I was missing:

Purim: Performing Arts & Scroll

Pessach: Rice Cracker & Wine Glass

Sukkot: Lemon & Herb

(Names from
