Outlook 2016 - Days Cross Over
Downloaded ICS for Outlook 2016 for Israel. However, it shows each day as staddling two days e.g. 1 AV will start on one english day and carry onto the next. I think its because its picking up each "event" as starting at 1am and finishing at 1am.
Hi Neil, thanks for being a long time Hebcal user and reporting this bug many years ago. Although we corresponded privately recently, I'm also answering this question here for others who may be searching for the answer.
We were finally able to reproduce this error on Outlook 365 web. We made two changes to our iCalendar feeds to fix the problem for you:
1. Our .ics feeds so they include X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT:TRUE which according to some Microsoft documentation might fix the problem.
2. Our VTIMEZONE implementation for Asia/Jerusalem (the timezone that is used throughout Israel) has been modified so it only uses a simpler, current Daylight Saving Time rules (which clocks are advanced by one hour, beginning on the Friday before the last Sunday of March, and ending on the last Sunday of October). This is perfectly accurate for any calendars 2013 and later (when the Israeli government standardized and simplified DST rules).
Shana Tova!
How old am I in Hebrew years?
Do you have a calculator to find out one's age in Hebrew time?
Chabad days lubavitch
Many thanks for an amazing playform!
Is there a ready to set calendar of chabad dayes?
Eleven months calculator for end of Kaddish for Parent
we have a local tradition of saying Kaddish for a parent for "Eleven months less a day". I would find it helpful to have "the end of Kaddish for a parent" date added to the Yahrzeit calculator, and also the ability to count the first yahrzeit from the day of burial.
Please Add Havadala Times in Alexa Skill ("Alexa, ask HebCal for Havdalah Time in Brooklyn")
I was doing a quick by setting up a routine to trigger every Sat night but it seems this command doesn't exit within the skill
Just Yom tov calender.
I know the yom tovs are in bold on the hebcal calender but just want a yom tov calender please.
a yom tov calender would allow one to know there is no work simply by the fact that the entry exists. No I interpretation or further analysis needed.
We've added a feature for IFTTT and other APIs where you can append ?yto=1 to a Hebcal URL so the events that show up are only yom tov holidays.
For example:
For Gregorian year 2023, for example, only the following holidays would be considered Yom Tov:
Thu 06 Apr | Pesach I |
Fri 07 Apr | Pesach II |
Wed 12 Apr | Pesach VII |
Thu 13 Apr | Pesach VIII |
Fri 26 May | Shavuot I |
Sat 27 May | Shavuot II |
Sat 16 Sep | Rosh Hashana 5784 |
Sun 17 Sep | Rosh Hashana II |
Mon 25 Sep | Yom Kippur |
Sat 30 Sep | Sukkot I |
Sun 01 Oct | Sukkot II |
Sat 07 Oct | Shmini Atzeret |
Sun 08 Oct | Simchat Torah |
Dirshu calendar
I was wondering if you can make a calendar with the Dirshu schedule of Mishna Berura Yomi.
The schedule is available at https://dafhalacha.com/limud-schedule/
What about the 4 blood moons 2014-2015 as an event feature to be added
How about adding
the 4 blood moons of 2014-2015 being the final jubilee year event,to your customizactions
Shabbos later this year prior to the first day of Chanukah
thanks for Hebcal. Shabbos this past Friday, December 20 began in Philadelphia, PA USA at 4:19; that’s two minutes later than the previous Shabbos. Usually, Shabbos doesn’t start to get later until the following one or two Sabbaths following Chanukah. What’s going on?
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