
Bar/bat mitzvah calculator

Rabbi J Weiner 2 years ago updated by israel wissotzky 2 years ago 3

Dear Hebcal team, I would love to have a function, either on your site or code I could put on our synagogue website, where you simply put in the Gregorian date of birth and it gives you the shabbat after 13 (or 12) years and a day later. Does that already exist? If not, would it be easy to create? (If you do it, please have language functions so that it would display in French!) Thank you so much.




Thanks for the suggestion! We don't currently offer such a feature and it would be a great addition.

Chabad does offer this feature on their website


I did not understand
Is it not possible to take one date back in case there are no 30 days in a month?

לא הבנתי

אין אפשרות לקחת תאריך אחד אחורה במקרה שאין 30 יום בחודש ?

פיתחתי דבר כזה על בסיס API שלכם  

פשוט צריך להוסיף 13 שנים מהתאריך העברי שחוזר בתאריך הלועזי  

הבעייה שלי שאם באותו שנה יש 30 יום בחודש כמו ב 07/10/2010 ובל13 השנים קידמה אין את המערכת מחזירה שגיאה ולא מרויד יום אחורה 

האם יש אפשרות שאם בחודש יש רק 29 יום ולא 30 המערכת תדע להוריד לבד ? 

I developed something like this based on your API

You just have to add 13 years from the Hebrew date that returns in the foreign date

My problem is that if in that year there are 30 days in a month like on 07/10/2010 and in the 13 years it has progressed, the system returns an error and does not roll back a day

Is there a possibility that if there are only 29 days in a month and not 30, the system will know how to download on its own?


Thanks for the suggestion! We don't currently offer such a feature and it would be a great addition.

Chabad does offer this feature on their website
