HEBEVENTS returns diaspora event only
When calling the GoogleSheets HEBEVENTS function with the date of May 27th (2023) the result is "Shavuot II", though in Israel this is a regular "Parashat Naso".
I think we better have another parameter saying whether the client needs Israel or diaspora events.
Thank you so much for this service!!
It is unbelievable how useful and helpful it is, for so many Jews around the world.
חזקו ואימצו

Hi, shavua tov. The Hebrew Date Converter Google sheets Add-on was built by an independent organization called YML Solutions.
This plugin uses the Hebcal APIs but otherwise we aren't affiliated with their product. You will need to contact them directly to ask them to make the change to add an optional Israel boolean parameter to their function.
We are truly sorry we can't help further with this issue.

Hi again,
Is there any chance this deviation will be somehow fixed soon? please...
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi, shavua tov. The Hebrew Date Converter Google sheets Add-on was built by an independent organization called YML Solutions.
This plugin uses the Hebcal APIs but otherwise we aren't affiliated with their product. You will need to contact them directly to ask them to make the change to add an optional Israel boolean parameter to their function.
We are truly sorry we can't help further with this issue.