Your comments

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

Results for year 1752 C.E. and earlier may be inaccurate. 

Hebcal does not take into account a correction of ten days that was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII known as the Gregorian Reformation.[1]

Our mission at is to increase awareness of Jewish holidays and to help Jews to be observant of the mitzvot. You can embed content directly onto your synagogue website with our JavaScript, JSON and RSS APIs.

Yes, there are weekday readings this week. The algorithm for generating the readings did not handle the case where Shabbat is a holiday, so we have now fixed that issue.

The correct weekday Torah reading on a week such as this is the next regular parashat haShavua.

We've made changes to the weekday-diaspora-5782.csv file (and other files) to account for this change.

11-Apr-2022,"Achrei Mot",1,"Leviticus 16:1-16:6",6

11-Apr-2022,"Achrei Mot",2,"Leviticus 16:7-16:11",5

11-Apr-2022,"Achrei Mot",3,"Leviticus 16:12-16:17",6

14-Apr-2022,"Achrei Mot",1,"Leviticus 16:1-16:6",6

14-Apr-2022,"Achrei Mot",2,"Leviticus 16:7-16:11",5

14-Apr-2022,"Achrei Mot",3,"Leviticus 16:12-16:17",6

Hi Eytal, thanks for writing.

This is intentional. As we discussed 6 months ago, the weekday readings are in a separate file from holiday and Shabbat readings.

To summarize here,

  • The Full Kriyah CSV files contain Torah & Haftara readings for Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, holidays and fast days.
  • The Weekday CSV files contain Torah readings for Mondays & Thursdays (and Shabbat mincha) when those days don't co-occur with one of the events above. In other words, these files are intended to be mutually exclusive with the Full Kriyah Shabbat/holiday files.
  • Triennial CSV files are available for the Diaspora only, as the USCJ/RA has not published aliyah-by-aliyah tables that follow the Israeli sedra scheme.

Hi, we're so sorry, but we are pretty certain that DE-Stuttgart or FR-Strasbourg have never worked. We can't find those references anywhere in our code.

We do support a small number (approximately 500) of legacy city names (e.g. geo=city&city=DE-Munich) but we haven't updated that list in over 4 years. That list does not contain thousands of cities, nor does it contain DE-Stuttgart or FR-Strasbourg

I hope this information helps.

Shabbat Shalom!

Thanks for using Hebcal, and thanks for the bug report! This issue has been confirmed and is now fixed. RSS feeds on our site have been updated. Here's an excerpt with the corrected information for this week:

Parashat Metzora - 9 April 2022
Torah: Leviticus 14:1-15:33

Haftarah: Malachi 3:4-24 | Shabbat HaGadol

Please note, due to caching, it may take up to 24 hours for your server or browser to show the updated content.

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Pesach Sameach!

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

Please follow our Microsoft Outlook Jewish holidays download for Office 365 instructions to add a Hebcal Jewish holiday calendar 5-year feed to newer versions of Microsoft Outlook. This technique uses Outlook’s “Internet Calendar Subscription” feature which keeps a separate calendar from your primary calendar. The calendar appears as an “overlay” and can be managed separately from your main calendar.

This method is preferred for modern versions of Outlook, e.g. Office 365, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, etc. We still support the legacy CSV Jewish holiday download option used by Outlook 2007 and earlier versions.

Our apologies for the long delay in answering this question.

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal, and thanks for posting this question.

We have revised the "month view" on our holiday pages and moved the previous/next navigation buttons from the right side of the page to the left side of the page to improve their visibility. See below for a screenshot.

In addition, if you are using a device with a keyboard can use the arrow keys (left and right) to go backwards or forwards a month.

We hope these changes help improve the usability of the website!

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal API. We're sorry to hear that you are having difficulty getting API results for Stuttgart and Strasbourg.

You can use URLs like these to get Shabbat times for these cities.

Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Strasbourg, Grand Est, France

Please note that the preferred way to access world cities is to use the GeoNames IDs as we've done above.

The following options are available for our APIs:

  • geo=geoname – location specified by numeric ID
    • requires additional parameter geonameid=3448439
    • supports approximately 47,000 different GeoNames IDs. These are cities with a population of 5000+. See from
  • geo=zip – location specified by United States ZIP code
    • requires additional parameter zip=90210
  • geo=city – location specified by one of the legacy city identifiers
    • requires additional parameter city=GB-London
  • geo=pos – location specified by latitude, longitude, and timezone. Requires additional 3 parameters:
    • latitude=[-90.0 to 90.0] – latitude in decimal format (e.g. 31.76904 or -23.5475)
    • longitude=[-180.0 to 180.0] – longitude decimal format (e.g. 35.21633 or -46.63611)
    • tzid=TimezoneIdentifier. See List of tz database time zones. Be sure to use the “TZ database name” such as America/New_York or Europe/Paris, not a UTC offset

Thanks for using Hebcal, and thanks for this feedback!

We agree with you and would like to publish more comprehensive Sephardi Haftarot on the website. The regular weekly Torah reading already includes Sephardic Haftarah when it differs from Askhenazi practice, but we do not have the same sources for holidays yet. We do need an accurate and comprehensive source of information for that. Can you recommend a source we could use?