Your comments

Thanks for the suggestion. We'll endeavor to add this in the coming weeks.

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal. We're happy to hear that you were able to add Hebcal events to Google Calendar, and sorry to hear that you're having trouble getting Google Calendar events to sync to your iPhone.

Here are two good articles that help you diagnose and fix why individual calendars are not syncing to your iPhone:

Fix sync problems with the Google Calendar app

Google Calendar Not Syncing with iPhone? How to Fix It

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

Yes, you can integrate Hebcal into your website. We're part of the Open Source Judaism movement. Embed content directly onto your synagogue website with our JavaScript, JSON and RSS APIs, available under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) License. Learn more »

In particular, you might want to try this integration.

Jewish Calendar – display a monthly Jewish calendar on your synagogue’s website using JavaScript

Regarding editing the calendar, you do have several customization options (for example turning on/off Rosh Chodesh, modern holidays, fasts, etc). However, you don't have the ability to edit individual events.

Does this answer your question?

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

To download Hebcal to Outlook on Android, first follow these instructions to get Hebcal events on your calendar:

After that, your web calendar will sync automatically with Outlook for Android.

No, you should not need to take any action. If you subscribed to our perpetual feed, the new dates will simply appear when Google refreshes our feeds (which are scheduled to happen approximately weekly).

Thanks for using Hebcal. So sorry for the delay. Our 2-year feeds will be refreshed in another week.

hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

Shavuot occurs 50 days after the start of Passover. Please note the counting of the Omer begins on the 2nd day of Passover, not on the first Shabbat of Passover.

You're welcome. Happy to hear that the instructions worked for you.

If you'd like to add Jewish holidays back to your calendar, you can visit


That page offers free Jewish holidays for Microsoft Outlook, iPhone, iPad, macOS Desktop Calendar, Android (via Google Calendar), or to any desktop program that supports iCalendar (.ics) files.

There are many options to choose from. If you only want major holidays, choose the Jewish Holidays (only major holidays) option. That feed includes major holidays such as Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Passover, Hanukkah. It does NOT include minor & modern holidays, fast days or Rosh Chodesh.

You can also create your own custom calendar with different event languages, candle-lighting times and more. If you wish to follow those instructions, you'll find them for Apple Calendar on macOS here:

Looks great! Now please follow the remaining steps 3 and 4 on the "delete Hebcal merged events" instructions.

Thanks for posting a screenshot. We can see from the image you shared that all of the calendars on the left have been unchecked. With the calendars unchecked, the search will not produce any results.

Please check the boxes of any calendars where you merged Hebcal events and repeat step 2 in of the delete Hebcal merged events instructions.