Under review

Special Haftarah chanting

Natasha Mann 12 months ago updated by Rabbi Natasha Mann 8 months ago 4

Hi all, I am hugely appreciating all the Torah and Haftarah info! 

I think it would be wonderful to have notes under the Haftarot that have special chanting, such as Haftarat Chazon. Maybe a line saying "this Haftarah has special chanting" with a link that takes you somewhere that breaks it down. I understand that some communities might do it differently to ours, in which case laying out the differences might prove too tricky.

Hi Michael, sorry, this was my question - but I didn't log into the same account the second time around.

On retrospect, I think what I'm really asking about is special Haftarah *and Torah* chanting. I think the complexity is/will be that there are different traditions in different places. My community does Eicha trope for Lev. 18:22, for example, but I don't think that's a common tradition. 

I know the Miles Cohen luach provides a lot of what's considered usual in Ashkenazi custom. I think it would be a huge boon to lay leyners if when they came onto Hebcal to see the breakdown and access the tikkun, they could also see a little asterisk leading to a note about special chanting, congregation standing, "chazak chazak" and similar. 

My only suggestion would be someone going though with the Miles Cohen luach. I'm aware that's a big ask as it'll take someone many hours to get done, though.



If you are willing to take the time by going through the Miles Cohen luach and send a spreadsheet, we can work to incorporate it into the website.

Shana Tova u'Metukah! We wish you a happy and healthy New Year.

I'll try to find time to do this after the HHDays. It would be useful information to have gathered somewhere.


Shanah tovah,


Under review

Thanks for the suggestion!

Do you have a reliable source (online or offline) that you can send which includes a complete list of the Haftarot that have special chanting?

A quick internet search reveals this page, but I don't know if this is accurate and/or complete:

