Forum for - Free Jewish holiday calendars, Hebrew date converters and Shabbat times

Triennial Torah reading cycle

Adam Levy 10 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 9 years ago 7
Is there a way I can get the triennial torah reading cycle from the API?
Michael J. Radwin 10 years ago
Yes. It's live now.

Shabbat Shalom!

Could you post a luah for the holidays?

Benson Margulies 9 years ago 0
The shabbat data is great, if only the holidays were also in there!

iPhone Lost Hebcal

Howard Bleich 9 years ago 0

On 2 Dec 2015, at about 8 PM EST, all Hebcal displays in my iPhone 5S iOS 9.1 disappeared. Whether I select or deselect the Hebcal Calendars makes no difference. All other calendars on my iPhone work normally -- their entries merge into the master display when the calendars are selected.


We need to study our biblical etymology.

Bradley Hauf 9 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 9 years ago 1

I refute the usage of the word fun. The word is a trasngression. It is the sin of tricks lies and deceits. Fun means stupid. its usage is to denote jesters and joking and kidding which are strictly forbidden by scriptures. We have to repent of our sins of fun. Fun does not mean true joyousness. I forsake fun. I seek Joy. Hope. Shemcka is the Hebrew word for? The word pride also means vanity/avarice. This is forbidden in holy scriptures is it not? If we knew anything about the holy bible we would know that vices are forsaken. Virtues of Chastity (Ahavah) are against all worries. Bless The One True Messiah. Against our stupid false usage of etymology. We really have not studied our language have we? Those that speak Hebrew and those that speak english? Question is "If in Hebrew the word means rah and an english trasnlation states the same, I would suggest we forsake the sin. For if avarice is of the way of death then we are to forsake avarice. Even other translations of the word are not to be used. Why seek fun? Its mindless self indulgence. What are people really seeking after when they seek fun? They do not know because they have not studied their etymology. They have not studied definitions nor others. I still forsake usuary and wonder a decent alternative to the word use. Yahweh seeks intelligence and HE likes intelligent questions with wisdom knowledge and an understanding of fulfillment of His Will. If they are seeking after fun they are seeking after lies tricks and deceits. These ruachs are to be prayed against. Only Ahavah Ruachs of Tav are to be accepted.


length of calendar entry

Mordy E 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 1
I have long used your great program as a trigger for my home automation system. Lately however, certain events have been missed and I think i tracked it down to the fact that "appointments" are now less than 1 minute long in the feed. Is there any way to have it set to at least one minute in length? (candle lighting used to be 18 minutes long for example)


Michael J. Radwin 9 years ago

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal. Sorry to hear about your duplicate event problem. Try these instructions to remove from Google Calendar and then resync your Android phone.

We have several other articles on how to remove Hebcal from various other devices (for example iPhone) here:


the date does not change

sigmundfreund 4 years ago 0

Time Display format changed from 12-hour clock to 24-hour

Marcio 4 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 3 years ago 1


We are using the API (, samble bellow, the answer now are using format 24hour? At dev/api documents still 12hours, is it a new feature? Let us know! Thanks !

Lest Week:

"title":"Candle lighting: 06:06pm"


"title":"Candle lighting: 18:06"

{"title":"Hebcal São Paulo November 2020","date":"2020-07-30T15:25:19.552Z","location":{"title":"São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil","city":"São Paulo","tzid":"America/Sao_Paulo","latitude":-23.5475,"longitude":-46.63611,"cc":"BR","country":"Brazil","admin1":"Sao Paulo","asciiname":"Sao Paulo","geo":"geoname","geonameid":3448439},"items":[{"title":"Candle lighting: 18:06","date":"2020-11-06T18:06:00-03:00","category":"candles","title_orig":"Candle lighting","hebrew":"הדלקת נרות"},{"title":"Havdalah (50 min): 19:15","date":"2020-11-07T19:15:00-03:00","category":"havdalah","title_orig":"Havdalah","hebrew":"הבדלה"},{"title":"Candle lighting: 18:10","date":"2020-11-13T18:10:00-03:00","category":"candles","title_orig":"Candle lighting","hebrew":"הדלקת נרות"},{"title":"Havdalah (50 min): 19:20","date":"2020-11-14T19:20:00-03:00","category":"havdalah","title_orig":"Havdalah","hebrew":"הבדלה"},{"title":"Candle lighting: 18:15","date":"2020-11-20T18:15:00-03:00","category":"candles","title_orig":"Candle lighting","hebrew":"הדלקת נרות"},{"title":"Havdalah (50 min): 19:24","date":"2020-11-21T19:24:00-03:00","category":"havdalah","title_orig":"Havdalah","hebrew":"הבדלה"},{"title":"Candle lighting: 18:20","date":"2020-11-27T18:20:00-03:00","category":"candles","title_orig":"Candle lighting","hebrew":"הדלקת נרות"},{"title":"Havdalah (50 min): 19:29","date":"2020-11-28T19:29:00-03:00","category":"havdalah","title_orig":"Havdalah","hebrew":"הבדלה"}]}

Michael J. Radwin 3 years ago

This issue was fixed several months ago. We reverted to 12-hour format for Brazil.