
Yahrzeit Google calendar feed missing

Harvey Stein 8 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 4 years ago 3


Under review

To add a yahrzeit calendar to Google, use a desktop/laptop computer (not a phone/tablet) and follow these instructions:



We've made some changes to our yahrzeit calendar feeds and integration with Google. We also now offer email reminders for yahrzeits and anniversaries. We invite you to come back to Hebcal and try the new feature!

Under review

To add a yahrzeit calendar to Google, use a desktop/laptop computer (not a phone/tablet) and follow these instructions:


According to https://www.hebcal.com/home/60/google-calendar-jewish-holidays, I can set up a Google calendar feed for either holidays and candle-lighting times or for yahrzeit + anniversary. The documentation says that after clicking the download button and then the Google button, one gets the option of clicking "Add to Google Calendar" in addition to the ability to download the calendar. I see that this option is available for a holiday calendar, but when I set up a yahrtzeit calendar, this option "Add to Google Calendar" does not appear. How do I add yahrtzeit calendar feed?