Forum for - Free Jewish holiday calendars, Hebrew date converters and Shabbat times

Havdalah time not returning in API call.

Karthik K 9 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 4 years ago 1

Sometimes the API is not returning all the values (shabbat times). For example click on the link provided below. It is not displaying the havdalah time.

Example API url:

API response:

stdClass Object

    [title] => Modiin, Central District, Israel
    [items] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [category] => holiday
                    [memo] => The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
                    [date] => 2015-12-07T16:55:00+02:00
                    [link] =>
                    [hebrew] => חנוכה: ב׳ נרות
                    [title] => Chanukah: 2 Candles: 4:55pm

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [title] => Chanukah: 3 Candles: 4:55pm
                    [category] => holiday
                    [memo] => The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
                    [date] => 2015-12-08T16:55:00+02:00
                    [hebrew] => חנוכה: ג׳ נרות
                    [link] =>

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [title] => Chanukah: 4 Candles: 4:55pm
                    [category] => holiday
                    [memo] => The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
                    [date] => 2015-12-09T16:55:00+02:00
                    [hebrew] => חנוכה: ד׳ נרות
                    [link] =>

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [memo] => The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
                    [category] => holiday
                    [date] => 2015-12-10T16:56:00+02:00
                    [hebrew] => חנוכה: ה׳ נרות
                    [link] =>
                    [title] => Chanukah: 5 Candles: 4:56pm

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [memo] => The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
                    [date] => 2015-12-11T16:16:00+02:00
                    [category] => holiday
                    [hebrew] => חנוכה: ו׳ נרות
                    [link] =>
                    [title] => Chanukah: 6 Candles: 4:16pm

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [hebrew] => הדלקת נרות
                    [category] => candles
                    [date] => 2015-12-11T16:16:00+02:00
                    [title] => Candle lighting: 4:16pm

            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [title] => Parashat Miketz
                    [category] => parashat
                    [date] => 2015-12-12
                    [hebrew] => פרשת מקץ
                    [link] =>
                    [leyning] => stdClass Object
                            [8] => Numbers 28:9 - 28:15 | Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Chanukah
                            [3] => Genesis 41:39 - 41:52
                            [7] => Genesis 43:30 - 44:17
                            [maftir] => Numbers 7:42 - 7:47 | Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Chanukah
                            [6] => Genesis 43:16 - 43:29
                            [haftarah] => Zechariah 2:14-4:7 | Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Chanukah
                            [1] => Genesis 41:1 - 41:14
                            [torah] => Genesis 41:1 - 44:17
                            [4] => Genesis 41:53 - 42:18
                            [5] => Genesis 42:19 - 43:15
                            [2] => Genesis 41:15 - 41:38


            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [title] => Rosh Chodesh Tevet
                    [link] =>
                    [hebrew] => ראש חודש טבת
                    [category] => holiday
                    [memo] => Beginning of new Hebrew month of Tevet
                    [date] => 2015-12-12

            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [title] => Chanukah: 7 Candles: 4:56pm
                    [hebrew] => חנוכה: ז׳ נרות
                    [link] =>
                    [date] => 2015-12-12T16:56:00+02:00
                    [memo] => The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
                    [category] => holiday


    [date] => 2015-12-07T09:11:07-00:00
    [link] =>;b=20;geonameid=6693679;maj=on;min=on;mod=on;mf=on;ss=on;nx=on;c=on;i=on;geo=geoname
    [location] => stdClass Object
            [latitude] => 31.89825
            [country] => Israel
            [geonameid] => 6693679
            [city] => Modiin
            [tzid] => Asia/Jerusalem
            [title] => Modiin, Central District, Israel
            [longitude] => 35.01051
            [admin1] => Central District
            [geo] => geoname

Michael J. Radwin 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for the feedback.

We've made changes to how our API works and Chanukah candle-lighting times will no longer suppress regular Shabbat/Havdalah times. Here's an example to illustrate how the API now behaves (with 2 events on Friday night and 2 events on Saturday night).


"title": "Chanukah: 7 Candles",

"date": "2015-12-12T16:56:00+02:00",

"category": "holiday",

"subcat": "major",

"hebrew": "חנוכה: ז׳ נרות",

"leyning": {

"7": "Numbers 28:9 - 28:15",

"haftarah": "Zechariah 2:14-4:7",

"maftir": "Numbers 7:42 - 7:47"


"link": "",

"memo": "Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication. Also known as the Festival of Lights"



"title": "Havdalah (20 min): 16:56",

"date": "2015-12-12T16:56:00+02:00",

"category": "havdalah",

"title_orig": "Havdalah",

"hebrew": "הבדלה (20 דקות)"


Michael J. Radwin 10 years ago
Hi, thanks for your message. You can specify your preference for Havdalah minutes past sundown here:

For more information about what number to specify, read this article.


a question about candle lighting times

ams 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 3
Hey there,

Is there a way of downloading a calendar without the candle lighting times?

Earliest candle lighting time in summer?

Cathy Young Gramze 10 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 10 years ago 2
Is it possible to add the earliest Halachic candle lighting time to the iCal calendar? These 16 hour summer days with a 9PM sunset are far too late for candle lighting and then supper. and I hate having to look up the sunrise time and doing the math to calculate that time myself.

Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur

PrewrathDad 10 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 10 years ago 2
How often does Rosh Hashana of a current year fall on the same date as Yom Kippur of the following year? This happens in 2022 and 2023, so I was curious as to how often this occurs.

Hebrew Date JS not working?

Susan B. 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 5
I put the JS for both Hebrew and Transliterated Hebrew date on this page but it does not show up. In the next topic on the page, the JS for Shabbat times works great. The dates did work in the past. This is a Drupal site and I'm not a tech expert, so hoping someone can tell me where I went wrong. Thanks in advance.
Michael J. Radwin 10 years ago
Looks like a mismatch between http and https. Your synagogue website is https, but you were trying to load from hebcal over http. The security-level mismatch prevents the browser from fetching content from

If your website uses https, you'll need to reference hebcal URLs using the same protocol.

We've updated our script tags to use // instead of http://. See the updated HTML you should use at this page:


Getting just the parshat hashavua from a Hebrew or gregorian date using REST API

Seraphya Berrin 9 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 9 years ago 5

I was wondering if there is a way to get just the Parshat Hashavua for a given hebrew or gregorian date, the way it tells you that info when you go to the date converter

I ask because I made a google doc that if you input an Gregorian date it will tell you when the earliest Gregorian date is for a bar or bat mitzvah:

and I was wondering if I can also easily get another column to be the parsha for that date

Michael J. Radwin 9 years ago

The XML version now includes the parashat haShavua.

 <gregorian year="2015" month="12" day="28"/>
 <hebrew year="5776" month="Tevet" day="16" str="ט״ז בְּטֵבֵת תשע״ו"/>
  <event name="Parashat Shemot" href=""/>

year in default

marc Slutsky 9 years ago 0

my calender automatically defaults to 2014, even when I put the current ( in this case 2016) in the settings box how can the default of 2014 be elimanited


Yahrzeit Candle app not posting to facebook, setting changes not saved

David Golden 10 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 4 years ago 2
I have been using this app for quite a few years now on Facebook, I get the email reminder but earlier this ear I noticed the reminders were not getting posted to Facebook. I went to the app and checked my setting and saw the post to Facebook was unchecked, I checked it and thought I fixed the problem.

I didn't check my email this past weekend and I don't see the items posted to my timeline and I missed the Yahrzeit lighting for my mother. I went back to the app to recheck the settings and the Facebook was unchecked AGAIN. I placed a check in it and went back to Facebook and then went back to the app and the check was once again removed.

There is no save setting button so how do I get the app to save the setting changes I make?
Michael J. Radwin 4 years ago

Although we don't offer any Facebook integration, we now offer annual email reminders for our Yahrzeit, Birthday and Anniversary calendar. After entering and confirming your email address, you will receive a reminder email 7 days before each anniversary. Our email privacy policy is the same as for our Shabbat weekly email list: We will never sell or give your email address to anyone. We will never use your email address to send you unsolicited offers.

In addition, Yahrzeit and anniversary calendar downloads for Apple, Google & Outlook now support more than 3 names. Just click the “+ Add another name” button to create another row and enter the additional details.


Please add Kfar Hananya, Israel to your Shabbat times list.Thank you -rafi schutzer

JoeBillScott™ 10 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 10 years ago 2
Please add Kfar Hananya, Israel to your Shabbat times list.
Thank you -rafi schutzer