
Hide past holiday dates

wplove 8 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 4 years ago 2

On my hebcal installation on my site it is displaying candle lighting and Havdalah times for multiple dates, some of which have past a couple days ago. These correspond to the holidays (Erev Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashana 7777, Rosh Hashana II, Tzom Gedaliah, and Shabbat Shuva). I don't want the times displaying for dates that have passed, even if they are holidays. Is showing the holidays that have passed a bug or a feature of Hebcal? If a feature, is there a setting I can change to hide the past holiday dates?

This is what I am using on my html to display the times:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"

Thanks for your help.


Under review

This looks like a caching issue on our end. We have adjusted our settings so the Shabbat Times javascript will be cached at most 24 hours in the future.

Under review

This looks like a caching issue on our end. We have adjusted our settings so the Shabbat Times javascript will be cached at most 24 hours in the future.