Your comments
This is a great idea! We will implement as soon as we can find the time. Pesach sameach.
Sorry, we don't offer a bulk upload. This would be a great feature to implement.
If you can export data to Google Sheets, then you might be able to use this 3rd-party Hebrew date converter to do the translation.
You'll find instructions on how to remove Hebcal from Microsoft Outlook, iPhone, iPad, Mac OS X Desktop Calendar, Android (via Google Calendar), etc. on this page:
Thanks for your message! We think we found the root cause of the problem and we believe it's fixed.
Purim Sameach!
It's the Hebrew word for calendar. Transliterated "Luach".
If you see a candle lighting time event on a Saturday night you can assume that it signifies both Havdalah and candle lighting for the holiday.
Yes, use these instructions:
Aliyah day is on the 10th of Nissan but is commonly observed in Israel on the 7th of Cheshvan.
Hebcal is working as designed. If a holiday begins on motzei Shabbat, there will be a Candle lighting event, not a Havdalah event. Your application will need to E modified to handle this case.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hebcal is pronounced HEEB-kal, as in Hebrew calendar).