Your comments

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal!

If you subscribe to one of the Hebcal simple calendar feeds as your screenshot above shows, those are generic for the Diaspora and don't include any city-specific candle-lighting times.

To get candle-lighting times for macOS and include candle-lighting times for your city, follow these instructions  

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal

Calendars exported from Hebcal to Google Calendar or other services that support iCalendar subscription feeds are typically “perpetual”. That is, they contain events for the current year (Gregorian or Hebrew) plus some number of years into the future. Our calendars typically have 5 years of events (current year plus 4 years into the future).

Size limitations imposed by Google and other calendar clients require that we limit the number of events per feed. The total number of years is now reduced to 4 years if you check some options that include many events (“Candle lighting times”, “Days of the Omer” or “Show Hebrew date for dates with some event”) or 2 years if you check options that include one event every day of the year (“Daf Yomi” or “Show Hebrew date every day of the year”).

Note that if you’d like to include the Hebrew date for every day of the year, you can subscribe to that calendar via a separate calendar feed at our Jewish Holiday downloads page. Look for Hebrew calendar dates (English) or Hebrew calendar dates (Hebrew).

An added advantage of this approach is that you can choose separate colors in Google Calendar or iOS/iCloud calendar for the daily calendar event feed.


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Feel free to make printed calendars, email newsletters, refrigerator magnets, and other content using events from

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This means that you can use you are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format as long as you give appropriate credit to You can remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. You need not send us money or even explicitly ask us for permission.

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal!

Calendars exported from Hebcal to Google Calendar or other services that support iCalendar subscription feeds are typically “perpetual”. That is, they contain events for the current year (Gregorian or Hebrew) plus some number of years into the future. Our calendars typically have 5 years of events (current year plus 4 years into the future).

Here's an article that explains the number of years in the feed in more detail

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal!

Follow these instructions to add a Hebcal Jewish holiday calendar 5-year feed to (also called Calendar). This technique will also work with Windows 10 devices (desktops, laptops, tablets and phones) that have a built-in calendar application that connects to or MSN.

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal. We're sorry to hear that our weekly email updates didn't arrive in a timely fashion last year. We've made some changes recently to ensure that doesn't happen again.

We'd also like to encourage you to take a look at our Candle-lighting Times Year at a Glance tool. You can fill out a form to get Shabbat and holiday candle lighting times and Parashat haShavuah (weekly Torah Portion) for the entire year on a single page. You can print it out and post it on your refrigerator.

Shana Tova!

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal, and we're sorry to hear about those duplicate events.

We don't know of an easy way to bulk-delete many events directly from, but if you have Outlook for Mac or Outlook for Windows attached to your account, you may be able to follow instructions like this to easily remove duplicates:

Hi, thanks for your message.

Calendar Maven used to provide an application with a similar name for Windows. The Calendar Maven company, formerly online at, now appears to be defunct., a different product, is a free Jewish calendar and holiday web site. Hebcal is not affiliated with CalendarMaven.

Unfortunately, doesn't support a native application on Windows or Mac, nor do we have native apps for Android or iPhone. At this point we're currently a website that allows exporting/downloading calendar data to lots of different applications. You can download/subscribe to a fresh feed here:

Or if you want advanced settings like candle lighting times for Shabbat and holidays, Ashkenazi transliterations, Israeli holiday schedule, etc, go to our Customize Calendar page here:

Hi Neil, thanks for being a long time Hebcal user and reporting this bug many years ago. Although we corresponded privately recently, I'm also answering this question here for others who may be searching for the answer.

We were finally able to reproduce this error on Outlook 365 web. We made two changes to our iCalendar feeds to fix the problem for you:

1. Our .ics feeds so they include X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT:TRUE which according to some Microsoft documentation might fix the problem.

2. Our VTIMEZONE implementation for Asia/Jerusalem (the timezone that is used throughout Israel) has been modified so it only uses a simpler, current Daylight Saving Time rules (which clocks are advanced by one hour, beginning on the Friday before the last Sunday of March, and ending on the last Sunday of October). This is perfectly accurate for any calendars 2013 and later (when the Israeli government standardized and simplified DST rules).

Shana Tova!

Hi Neil, thanks for being a long time Hebcal user and reporting this bug many years ago. Although we corresponded privately recently, I'm also answering this question here for others who may be searching for the answer.

We were finally able to reproduce this error on Outlook 365 web. We made two changes to our iCalendar feeds to fix the problem for you:

1. Our .ics feeds so they include X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT:TRUE which according to some Microsoft documentation might fix the problem.

2. Our VTIMEZONE implementation for Asia/Jerusalem (the timezone that is used throughout Israel) has been modified so it only uses a simpler, current Daylight Saving Time rules (which clocks are advanced by one hour, beginning on the Friday before the last Sunday of March, and ending on the last Sunday of October). This is perfectly accurate for any calendars 2013 and later (when the Israeli government standardized and simplified DST rules).

Shana Tova!