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Traditionally on Hebrew Calendar we place the Pharisee date of the month that each year falls in 6 Sivan for the event, we do not place the biblical day of the week that falls in morrow after Sabbath. The Pharisee did search for another meaning of "Sabbath" as a day when we do not do obedient work like 15 Aviv and maybe this applies also to the 50th day witch falls in same day of the week as the 1st.  

In the Pharisaic Calendar was chosen a fixed date of the month in contrary with a fixed day in the week according the Torah and according Joshua the Prophet. There is no mention of any day commanded in 16 nor 17 of the first month and no mention of any 6 of the third month in the Mosaic Law.

Usually once in two years sometime influenced by a leap year, and in every exactly in the 7th year of shemitah the Early Judaic Calendar overleaps with the Mosaic Calendar and we literally can rip the first omer after Shabbat and also we can to pay the 10th % after Shabbat.

The conclusion is that now this is the calendar used by more Jews since Main Stream Judaism keep the Pharisaic Calendar that sometime have moths with Mosaic Names like Aviv and sometime with Judaic names like Nissan.

This custom that some of us still keep since we are busy with the work at the office and do not help our cosines on the fields at harvest in diaspora or in Israel called Sefer HaOmer is reduced there that we have Psalms added to each day of the 7 weeks festival and happens that we do not get or forget to expand and eat barley.

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