Your comments
By the way, we can get your app to work just fine if you make the following changes:
index 64e508a..db6d809 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ "@capacitor/device": "^5.0.0", "@capacitor/ios": "^5.0.0", "@capacitor/network": "^5.0.0", - "@hebcal/core": "^5.3.3", + "@hebcal/core": "^5.8.6", + "@hebcal/locales": "^6.0.1", "@ionic-native/core": "^5.36.0", "@ionic-native/geolocation": "^5.36.0", "@ionic/react": "^5.5.0", diff --git a/src/components/Cal.jsx b/src/components/Cal.jsx index 0529921..09204b7 100644 --- a/src/components/Cal.jsx +++ b/src/components/Cal.jsx @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import React, { useEffect, useState, useLayoutEffect } from 'react' import { IonText, IonIcon, IonButton, IonPopover, useIonViewWillEnter, IonPage, IonContent } from '@ionic/react'; import { chevronBackOutline, chevronForwardOutline } from "ionicons/icons" import { HebrewCalendar, Location, GeoLocation, Zmanim, HDate } from '@hebcal/core'; -// import '@hebcal/locales'; +import '@hebcal/locales'; import axios from 'axios' import add from 'date-fns/add' import sub from 'date-fns/sub'
Sorry to hear that. We can't help much when you just keep saying "it crashes" but you don't post detailed log messages. Your repo still shows you using an old version of Hebcal/core so it's especially hard for us to help you isolate your problem. Are you really sure you updated to a new version of our library?
The fact that you can get it to work fine with the latest version of our library in a new app suggests that our library is working just fine. Perhaps the problem is with your existing app and not with Hebcal?
hi, your package.json file says Hebcal/core 5.3.3
In our previous message we pointed out that this dependency is more than 8 months out of date.
Please try updating to a newer version of Hebcal/core?
Hi, thanks for using the Hebcal APIs
The basic URL format is as follows:
You must specify a location for candle-lighting times:
- geo=geoname – location specified by numeric ID
- requires additional parameter geonameid=3448439
- supports over 100,000 different GeoNames IDs. These are world cities with a population of 1,000 or more. See from
If you pick the correct geonameid for a city in our database, you don't need to specify the tzid.
You will find good documentation and examples at
Please post a link to your code (github repo, codepen, jsfiddle, etc). We can't help much without more details.
The latest release of @hebcal/core is now 5.8.3 - there have been many changes in the past 8 months. You also might try simply refreshing your dependencies.
When specifying years of the Hebrew calendar in the present millennium, we omit the thousands (which is presently 5, ה). For example, the Hebrew year 5782 is written as 782 (תשפ״ב) rather than 5782 (ה׳תשפ״ב).
You can read more here:
Looks like ט׳ שבט תרצ״ג which is the 9th of Sh'vat, 5693
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