Your comments
That strategy would work almost all of the time, but not quite all of the time.
For example, on Friday September 11, 2026 is Erev Rosh Hashana. You'll have a candles event that day.
Saturday, September 12, 2025 is Rosh Hashana 5787 and that evening is the 2nd erev. Although it's Saturday night, there will NOT be a havdalah event. Instead, you will have yet another candles event on Saturday night. (and then you'll have a havdalah event on Sunday night September 13 when the 2nd day of RH concludes.
The only web API that we have that shows the upcoming Shabbat's parasha haShavua every single day of the week is the Hebrew Date Converter REST API.
From the URL you posted, it looks like you are hoping to use the Jewish calendar REST API. Unfortunately, this API does not support looking up the weekly Torah portion every day of the week.
If you wish to use the Jewish calendar REST API to look up the weekly Torah portion, you will need to specify the date of Shabbat (for example, this week 2024-03-15) and not today's day.
You can also use the Leyning (Torah Reading) API to get the full kriyah leyning on Shabbat and holidays, Triennial (optionally) for Shabbat, and weekday readings on Mondays & Thursdays. However, this API would not return the weekly Torah portion on a Tuesday because there is no Torah reading on a typical Tuesday.
If you don't want to wait until Saturday at midnight local time, you can always specify an exact date. The documentation describes this as follows:
You can optionally specify an exact date, for example 13 February 2021. If unspecified, defaults to today.
- gy=2021&gm=2&gd=13
Typically doesn't mean definitely. If the Shabbat is not a regular parsha because it's a holiday instead, you will not find a parashat category present.
Sorry the docs are confusing!
Thanks for the bug report! This issue is now fixed.
Thanks for contacting Hebcal.
The time format on the website is specific to a location. Some countries such as Israel use 24 hour format. Other locations like the United States, Canada or Brazil use a 12 hour format.
If you wish to have more control over how Hebcal events are displayed, we would encourage you to download the Hebcal events to another application (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, etc.) and then format the calendar as you see fit.
Pages generated by the Interactive Jewish Calendar can be printed very easily on standard 8.5×11″ paper. Just try “Print Preview” and you’ll see what it looks like. You can print out an entire year at a time and each month will end up on a separate sheet.
We also offer a simple Print PDF feature that creates PDF files in landscape layout, one page per month.
To print other sizes or to customize, we recommend downloading/exporting from and importing into a more full-featured desktop or web calendar program, such as one of the following:
- Outlook CSV – Outlook has extremely powerful print features (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Tri-fold, Calendar Details, Day-Timer, Day Runner, Franklin Day Planner, etc.)
- Google Calendar – offers Day, Week, Month, or Agenda views with customizable date range, font size, page orientation, and color setting (see also “Print your calendar” from Google support)
- Apple macOS Calendar – offers Day, Week, Month, List, Selected Events in US Letter and other standard paper formats. Options include All-day events, Timed events, Color/Black and white, and text size controls.
See the Printable Shabbat Times tool to print out candle lighting times only for an entire year.
Calendars in printed form are provided with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. This means that you are free to use, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format as long as you give appropriate credit to
Yes, look at the events array
You'll see something like this:
"gy": 2025,
"gm": 3,
"gd": 11,
"afterSunset": false,
"hy": 5785,
"hm": "Adar",
"hd": 11,
"hebrew": "י״א בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה",
"heDateParts": {
"y": "תשפ״ה",
"m": "אדר",
"d": "י״א"
"events": [
"פרשת כי תשא"
We've completed this change. "Show Hebrew date for dates with some event" shows for any event type except for a daily learning event.
Thanks for this feedback. We will investigate and consider changing exactly as you suggest
Customer support service by UserEcho
Here is how you'd do a Friday - Sunday using the Jewish calendar API
And here is the equivalent using the Shabbat API
The results are nearly identical. You can specify an end date using the Jewish calendar API but you cannot with the Shabbat API.
As we mentioned before, the Jewish calendar API also gives you a bit more control. In the example above, you will note that the Jewish calendar API doesn't display fast times or minor/modern holidays (because we didn't set those URL parameters to on).