Your comments

Hi, friend of mind just rewrite the SmartApp to include Israel as well . If someone is interested, his work can be found here : 
The ReadMe is in Hebrew and he refers in the SmartApp to geonameid that can be find web page address after generating the calander and not the Zip Code. I hope this is clear...

Thanks for replying.

I want to avoid using GCAL and IFTTT for that. Is it possible to allow 7 digits ZIP code as in Israel in HebCal or allow in SmartThings using City name instead of Zip code while keeping exact city name spelling as in HebCal.
Another solution might be finding a city in US that have exact  "candle lighting" and "Havdalah" timing as the city in Israel. the SmartApp is using local time , can you suggest how to do that ?

Pleas advise,
