Your comments

The cycle only covers the topics relevant to typical laypeople. To quote the Arukh haShulchan itself, Yoreh Dei'ah 246:17 ends by advising learning practical dinim:

"The ba'alei batim who study only for a few hours on weekdays — it's better for them to study books of posqim rather than Gemara, see there. Certainly, every individual must know the laws of "Orach Chaim," and some of the laws from "Yoreh De'ah," "Choshen Mishpat," and "Even Ha'ezer" which are necessary for every person."

So that is what the daily learning schedule sets out to do.

i can get you a spreadsheet with just a daycount and just an offset from your epoch for when the first cycle started.

But if you have preferred transliteration schemes for Tur Names... let me know.