
Arukh haShulchan Yomi - CSV used by Sefaria available

micha berger 3 months ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 2 months ago 7

Subject line basically says it all. If you want to add Arukh haShulchan Yomi to the list of daily learning programs that can be downloaded, I can share the CSV Sefaria started with, or similar data in your preferred format.


Thanks! We will mark this as complete

Hi Micha, do you have any idea about the missing simanim from the schedule? We have gone ahead and published a version based on what you provided, but it would be helpful to know if those simanim are in fact never read as part of Arukh haShulchan Yomi, or if this is an error/omission in the Sefaria CSV


The cycle only covers the topics relevant to typical laypeople. To quote the Arukh haShulchan itself, Yoreh Dei'ah 246:17 ends by advising learning practical dinim:

"The ba'alei batim who study only for a few hours on weekdays — it's better for them to study books of posqim rather than Gemara, see there. Certainly, every individual must know the laws of "Orach Chaim," and some of the laws from "Yoreh De'ah," "Choshen Mishpat," and "Even Ha'ezer" which are necessary for every person."

So that is what the daily learning schedule sets out to do.


Draft version on Hebcal website. 

For some reason the Sefaria source you pointed us to skips Yoreh De'ah simanim 1-62 and 64-83.4:


i can get you a spreadsheet with just a daycount and just an offset from your epoch for when the first cycle started.

But if you have preferred transliteration schemes for Tur Names... let me know.


Thank you! That would be great. The Sefaria transliteration for Tur Names would be best as that would help us with hyperlinking.

You can email to mradwin@hebcal.com

Under review

Thank you! Yes indeed - this might help. This will be especially useful if the calendar has a clear cycle that can be implemented in a perpetual way. 

When we last checked several years ago, Sefaria learning calendars were programmed by Gregorian date and therefore not necessarily easy to discern the perpetual cycle rules from a simple CSV file covering a year or two or three.