Your comments

Thank you, sent!


I hope you had a wonderful Shabbos. I ended up spending some time yesterday working on this. I have a completed spreadsheet that is very similar to what you requested. Where can I send it?

Thank you!

Good morning Michael,

I may have found a source that has already done the work of creating a spreadsheet. I hope to hear back from them on Monday on whether they can provide it to me or not.

I will keep you posted.

Thank you Michael,

Yes, this all seems correct. I wish I had the time to sift through it and create the spreadsheet. Would you know anyone who reads Hebrew that I can pay for the data entry? If you don't, I can try to locate someone. (I think this can be very helpful for many people, myself included, that's why I would be happy to sponsor the cost provided that it is reasonable)

Thank you again!

Here is a link to an online copy of the Hebrew book - (in the online reading version of this website, you can search the text and turn pages from the top bar). If you look at the individual pages, you will see the Hebrew dates that show that day's learning. For example, on page 251, it says 

לוח יומי: שנה פשוטה - ל חשון, כט אדר, כט תמוז        שנה מעוברת: ב כסלו, יא אדר ב, כא תמוז

since this year is not a leap year, this would be today's Halacha.

There is a similar setup for his second famous sefer called Shmiras Halashon. The only difference is that it is only completed once a year.

Here is the link for that one - (see page 214 for today's Halacha)

Thank you for looking into it! 

Artscroll created their own two English-adapted versions of the Hebrew Book. The original Hebrew version has its own cycle that allows you to complete it three times a year. Is there an email address I can forward the information to once I find an online version?

Regarding how to link it, I would go with a standard link placed in the notes of the calendar event of each day. Like this -

Thank you for your time!

Thank you! I also have an excellent idea for this and all daily learning schedules. It would be super convenient to have a direct link to the page of that day's daily learning in the Sefaria app in the calendar's notes (On an iPhone, it allows each calendar invite to have a specific note). A separate link for each of the daily learnings.

I would like to add that I've been using the calendar for several years now, and I greatly appreciate what you have done to make my life so much easier.