Your comments

thank you for trying to help, here is my question.

Summer of 2021 I checked Hebcal Torah reading for Aharei Mot 2022, for a Bag Mitzvah student I am working with. I am a synagogue volunteer, not a rabbi or cantor.

At the time, July or August, I just jotted down the ch, lines and 7 portions, and began with my student with the maftir.

just yesterday I 'double checked' that students learning was correct, and I found different portions for Aharei Mot! 

in fact, now, the listing is the correct 3rd trinnial breakdown for 4/30/2022.

what happened??????to Hebcal!!!

i am embarrassed with the parents, Rabbi has been great, we can't begin to tell my student, she is nearly a perfectionist.

any ideas?

Joan Brown
