
Shabbos Zoom Session for the congregation

Stuart 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 3



Hi, thanks for writing to the Hebcal Jewish Calendar support page.

We don't conduct Shabbat services - we're just an online calendar resource.

Hebcal (pronounced HEEB-kal, as in Hebrew calendar) is a free Jewish calendar and holiday web site.

Our mission is to increase awareness of Jewish holidays and to help Jews to be observant of the mitzvot.

We offer a powerful custom Jewish calendar tool that lets you generate a list of Jewish holidays for any year (past, present or future). Also available are a Hebrew date converter, Shabbat candle lighting times and Torah readings (both full kriyah and triennial system), and a page to look up yahrzeits, birthdays and anniversaries.

Do any of the Synagogues on the island offer Zoom Shabbos Services

is the congregation interested in Sabbath via Zoom during the Pandemic?


Hi, thanks for writing to the Hebcal Jewish Calendar support page.

We don't conduct Shabbat services - we're just an online calendar resource.

Hebcal (pronounced HEEB-kal, as in Hebrew calendar) is a free Jewish calendar and holiday web site.

Our mission is to increase awareness of Jewish holidays and to help Jews to be observant of the mitzvot.

We offer a powerful custom Jewish calendar tool that lets you generate a list of Jewish holidays for any year (past, present or future). Also available are a Hebrew date converter, Shabbat candle lighting times and Torah readings (both full kriyah and triennial system), and a page to look up yahrzeits, birthdays and anniversaries.