Searching answer

outlook and ios

AbeS 3 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 2 years ago 1

I created a Yartzheit calendar in HebCal and imported it into my Outlook calendar. I also link all my oulook calendars on my Iphone.

The yartzeit dates display correctly on outlook on my computer. But they are way off on my iPhone. Examples : Outlook date (correct one) followed by the date displayed in iPhone. 1/7-1/31, 1/18-2/11, 1/19-2/12, 1/27-2/20.

Why does it do so and how can I fix it.

Searching answer

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

We're sorry to hear that you're having difficulty with Hebcal yahrzeit calendars and Outlook.

Unfortunately, we aren't able to offer any useful suggestions to fix the problem. We have never seen an issue like this before, and you are the first user to report such a problem.

We can leave this question open in the hopes that someone else will find the solution and post the answer here.