
Apple watch - Purchased

Koidesh 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2

I downloaded the app on my Apple Watch and it worked perfectly. I upgraded to Apple watch 7 and it wont show up there. When I go back to the app store it says “Purchased” I cant even uninstall it and reinstall it.  Please advise. Thanks a lot. 



Hi, thanks for using the Hebcal Apple Watch app... and congrats on your new watch.

We've seen this issue before, and it's a problem because our watch app doesn't have a companion iPhone app. This is a new feature that Apple introduced recently and there are still some bugs with how the user experience works. The long-term fix for us will be to release an iPhone companion app.

In the short term, however, the best workaround we can recommend is to go to the App Store on the watch itself and search for (and install) Hebcal. By installing the app directly on the watch, it seems to work around this error.

We hope this helps! Happy Gregorian New Year.

Thank you so much. It worked!!
I would even pay for it.
Good luck and god bless. 


Hi, thanks for using the Hebcal Apple Watch app... and congrats on your new watch.

We've seen this issue before, and it's a problem because our watch app doesn't have a companion iPhone app. This is a new feature that Apple introduced recently and there are still some bugs with how the user experience works. The long-term fix for us will be to release an iPhone companion app.

In the short term, however, the best workaround we can recommend is to go to the App Store on the watch itself and search for (and install) Hebcal. By installing the app directly on the watch, it seems to work around this error.

We hope this helps! Happy Gregorian New Year.