
last year's Hebcal Jewish holidays, Torah readings etc. disappeared from my calendar - how to restore?

questioning 4 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 4 years ago 1

I subscribe and have Hebcal's Jewish holidays, Torah portions, etc. downloaded on iCal (Mac and iPhone). I just noticed that, at the beginning of 2021, data from all previous calendar years disappeared from my phone and Mac. I have my phone set to sync all events, not just recent events, so it's not my settings. I don't recall this having happened in past years. How do I fix this? Even though the past data is past, there are times when it would be convenient to go back to this info. Obviously there are other online sources, including Hebcal, to look up dates for previous years' Jewish holidays, Torah portions, etc., but having it on the calendar is convenient.



Hi, thanks for using Hebcal - and sorry to hear about this inconvenience.

Our perpetual feeds are deliberately kept small to let calendar apps run more quickly.

If you'd like to see past year(s) events for historical reference, you can use the "Alternate option" on the download dialog box to get a past year .ics file on your Mac desktop. Then, you can import that into the calendar application of your choice (e.g. the macOS Calendar.app).

This approach lets you have a private copy (not feed) of past calendar events which won't refresh automatically.


Hi, thanks for using Hebcal - and sorry to hear about this inconvenience.

Our perpetual feeds are deliberately kept small to let calendar apps run more quickly.

If you'd like to see past year(s) events for historical reference, you can use the "Alternate option" on the download dialog box to get a past year .ics file on your Mac desktop. Then, you can import that into the calendar application of your choice (e.g. the macOS Calendar.app).

This approach lets you have a private copy (not feed) of past calendar events which won't refresh automatically.