
Outlook 2016

Paul Pinkus 4 years ago updated by jkoenzuraida 6 months ago 1

In the past, when I have imported the Hebrew calendar into Outlook, it went to my regular Outlook Calendar which syncs to my phone and tablet.  However, when I went to do so with the 2020 calendar, now using Outlook 2016, it created a new calendar rather than putting it iinto my regular Outlook calendar.  Anybody know how to address this?  I don't want to keep referring to 2 different calendars.



Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

Please follow our Microsoft Outlook Jewish holidays download for Office 365 instructions to add a Hebcal Jewish holiday calendar 5-year feed to newer versions of Microsoft Outlook. This technique uses Outlook’s “Internet Calendar Subscription” feature which keeps a separate calendar from your primary calendar. The calendar appears as an “overlay” and can be managed separately from your main calendar.

This method is preferred for modern versions of Outlook, e.g. Office 365, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, etc. We still support the legacy CSV Jewish holiday download option used by Outlook 2007 and earlier versions.

Our apologies for the long delay in answering this question.


Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

Please follow our Microsoft Outlook Jewish holidays download for Office 365 instructions to add a Hebcal Jewish holiday calendar 5-year feed to newer versions of Microsoft Outlook. This technique uses Outlook’s “Internet Calendar Subscription” feature which keeps a separate calendar from your primary calendar. The calendar appears as an “overlay” and can be managed separately from your main calendar.

This method is preferred for modern versions of Outlook, e.g. Office 365, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, etc. We still support the legacy CSV Jewish holiday download option used by Outlook 2007 and earlier versions.

Our apologies for the long delay in answering this question.