
Hebrew Date Converter REST API

wjosephloeb 5 years ago updated by Andy 11 months ago 8

Where can I find detailed instructions for using the 

Hebrew Date Converter REST API

with Excel?




An internet search turns up HebCalVb6, a VB6/VBA module to demonstrate how to convert a Hebrew date into the Gregorian date. It can be used within Visual Basic or within a Excel Macro.


    Beste, De broncode voor VBA in Acces 2007 werkt Uitstekend en bedankt voor het mooie harde werk.
    Toch een kleine opmerking: Er ontbreekt een functie. Zie hieronder in de tekst.
    Function GetParshaHebYesParshas(d As Date) As String
      GetParshaHebNoParshas = GetParshaX(d, 2, False)
    End Function
    Functie  GetParshaHebNoParshas ontbreekt!
    Bron: <a href="http://www.dafaweek.com/HebCal/HebCalVb6.php" class="redactor-autoparser-object">http://www.dafaweek.com/HebCal/HebCalVb6.php</a>
    Vriendelijke groeten,

    An internet search turns up HebCalVb6, a VB6/VBA module to demonstrate how to convert a Hebrew date into the Gregorian date. It can be used within Visual Basic or within a Excel Macro.



      Ok so It seems that you will need to write a script to integrate with the hebcal rest API. 

      It would be a bit out of the scope of this thread to try and  explain how to integrate with rest API's with no development skills. 

      I recommend you seek a developer to do this job for you. 

      My; chart has a series of English dates. I would like to feed  the English date and retrieve the corresponding Hebrew date.I need detailed guidance for this as I  do not have developer training with Excel.  

      Sun 7/28 13 Sivan
      Mon 7/29 14 Sivan
      Tue 7/30 15 Sivan
      Wed 7/31 16 Sivan

      I would like to determine the date in Column C from B. 

      My Excel chart has a series of dates that I would like to convert to their Hebrew counterpart. I would like detailed step by step guidance as to how to accomplish that goal. Thanks. 

      This is the REST API resource: 


      What do you mean by "with Excel" ?