
There should be included the times for starting and ending Fasts and other minor hollidays

Michel Feinstein 6 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 4 years ago 2

All the minor hollidays don't have the times where they start or end, specially fasts, it just appears on my Google Calendar as being the whole day.



Fast start and end times are now provided for major fast (Tish’a B’Av) and minor fasts (Ta’anit Esther, Tzom Gedaliah, Tzom Tammuz, Asara B’Tevet, & Ta’anit Bechorot). Minor fasts begin at alot hashachar (when the sun is 16.1° below the horizon in the morning) and end when 3 medium-sized stars are observable in the night sky (when the sun is 7.083° below the horizon in the evening). Tish’a B’Av fast begins at sundown and ends when 3 medium-sized stars are observable.


Fast start and end times are now provided for major fast (Tish’a B’Av) and minor fasts (Ta’anit Esther, Tzom Gedaliah, Tzom Tammuz, Asara B’Tevet, & Ta’anit Bechorot). Minor fasts begin at alot hashachar (when the sun is 16.1° below the horizon in the morning) and end when 3 medium-sized stars are observable in the night sky (when the sun is 7.083° below the horizon in the evening). Tish’a B’Av fast begins at sundown and ends when 3 medium-sized stars are observable.

Under review

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

This is an excellent idea. We will endeavor to implement this when we can find the time.