Kadish for Yahrzeit
Trying to calculate when to say kadish for my father. When the calendar indicates, for example, February 22nd, does it mean that Kadish is to be said the night before (night of the 21st) and also for Shaharit and Minha of the 22nd? Or is it to be said the night of the 22nd and the shaharit and minha of the next day?

In general, Jewish Holidays begin the evening before the date specified. This is because the Jewish day actually begins at sundown on the previous night. Sometimes, for clarity, the Erev holiday is also included to indicate that the holiday begins the evening before.

Typically, it would mean you say kaddish from the evening before.
The neshama should have an aliya (elevation).
Dovid R
Customer support service by UserEcho
In general, Jewish Holidays begin the evening before the date specified. This is because the Jewish day actually begins at sundown on the previous night. Sometimes, for clarity, the Erev holiday is also included to indicate that the holiday begins the evening before.