
Request 24 Hour clock format

רב-גל 3 days ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 3 days ago 2

Please advise how to get ALL time presentation in 24 hour format



Thanks for contacting Hebcal.

The time format on the Hebcal.com website is specific to a location. Some countries such as Israel use 24 hour format. Other locations like the United States, Canada or Brazil use a 12 hour format.

If you wish to have more control over how Hebcal events are displayed, we would encourage you to download the Hebcal events to another application (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, etc.) and then format the calendar as you see fit.


Thanks for contacting Hebcal.

The time format on the Hebcal.com website is specific to a location. Some countries such as Israel use 24 hour format. Other locations like the United States, Canada or Brazil use a 12 hour format.

If you wish to have more control over how Hebcal events are displayed, we would encourage you to download the Hebcal events to another application (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, etc.) and then format the calendar as you see fit.

please advise how to get ALL time presentation in 24 hour format