Daily parsha
Is there any way to get the day and parsha from the hebrew calendar api? example ג' כי תשא

The only web API that we have that shows the upcoming Shabbat's parasha haShavua every single day of the week is the Hebrew Date Converter REST API.
From the URL you posted, it looks like you are hoping to use the Jewish calendar REST API. Unfortunately, this API does not support looking up the weekly Torah portion every day of the week.
If you wish to use the Jewish calendar REST API to look up the weekly Torah portion, you will need to specify the date of Shabbat (for example, this week 2024-03-15) and not today's day.
You can also use the Leyning (Torah Reading) API to get the full kriyah leyning on Shabbat and holidays, Triennial (optionally) for Shabbat, and weekday readings on Mondays & Thursdays. However, this API would not return the weekly Torah portion on a Tuesday because there is no Torah reading on a typical Tuesday.

This does not have the day of week, looking to get todays day of parsha like ג' כי תשא. I am using https://www.hebcal.com/hebcal?cfg=json&v=1&F=on&start=2025-03-11&end=2025-03-11&lang=he&zip=11204&d=on

Yes, look at the events array
You'll see something like this:
"gy": 2025,
"gm": 3,
"gd": 11,
"afterSunset": false,
"hy": 5785,
"hm": "Adar",
"hd": 11,
"hebrew": "י״א בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה",
"heDateParts": {
"y": "תשפ״ה",
"m": "אדר",
"d": "י״א"
"events": [
"פרשת כי תשא"
Customer support service by UserEcho
The only web API that we have that shows the upcoming Shabbat's parasha haShavua every single day of the week is the Hebrew Date Converter REST API.
From the URL you posted, it looks like you are hoping to use the Jewish calendar REST API. Unfortunately, this API does not support looking up the weekly Torah portion every day of the week.
If you wish to use the Jewish calendar REST API to look up the weekly Torah portion, you will need to specify the date of Shabbat (for example, this week 2024-03-15) and not today's day.
You can also use the Leyning (Torah Reading) API to get the full kriyah leyning on Shabbat and holidays, Triennial (optionally) for Shabbat, and weekday readings on Mondays & Thursdays. However, this API would not return the weekly Torah portion on a Tuesday because there is no Torah reading on a typical Tuesday.