
is 5785 a leap year? Vayakhel-Pekudei is both separate weeks and a double in the selections on the Torah tab

James Lund 2 weeks ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 2 weeks ago 3

I wanted to know if 5785 is a leap year. 

I tried checking the first double portion to see if it was doubled. It was on March 22. But, then if I select Vayakhel as in a leap year, it comes up on the 22 of March, and Pekudei comes up on the 29th. I can't figure out which is correct.



Thanks for the feedback. We see how this was confusing.

The page was giving the date and linking to the Vayakhel (single parsha) for 2025. We have corrected it so it now more clearly displays the following:

Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei is the 22nd and 23rd weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. Next read on14 Mar 2026 / 25 Adar 5786.


Thanks for the feedback. We see how this was confusing.

The page was giving the date and linking to the Vayakhel (single parsha) for 2025. We have corrected it so it now more clearly displays the following:

Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei is the 22nd and 23rd weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. Next read on14 Mar 2026 / 25 Adar 5786.

Thanks for responding. We might want to have someone check this reference.

Vayakhel-Pekudei - Torah Portion - Hebcal, it shows them read together on March 22.

Not a bug

Thanks for using Hebcal. Hebrew year 5785 is not a leap year.

Vayakhel and Pekudei are read separately in 5785

To see when the parshiyot are read separately or together in the Diaspora, consult the List of Dates section of 
