Not a bug

discrepancy in results

Meni Porat 6 months ago updated 6 months ago 4

Hi, I've developed a VBA program that converts a Gregorian date into a Hebrew date.
In most cases your results and mine are identical,
however in some cases the results are not identical.
for example, 23/09/2239 (Sep. 23, 2239): My program's Hebrew date is: כ"ט באלול, תתקצ"ט
whereas your solution is: כ"ג באלול, תתקצ"ט
when displaying this date in Excel: Locale (Hebrew) Calendar type (Hebrew Lunar) 
the result is identical to mine: יום שני 29 אלול 5999

Can you please explain why?

I must apologize.
I simply forgot to uncheck the "After Sunset" checkbox.
Now, all my solutions are identical to yours.
BTW, instead of "Show Hebrew Nekudot" (which translates to: points, dots)  it is better to say "Show Hebrew Niqqud" (diacritics).

Thank you

Not a bug

Where do you see י״ד טבת תתק״ס on Hebcal.com for 1/1/2200 ? Here is what we see:


  • Wed, 1 January 2200 = 13th of Tevet, 5960
  • י״ג בְּטֵבֵת תתק״ס

I'm not sure about the previous post, but please check this one:

Gregorian date: 1/1/2200
According to my calculation as well as CHABAD's site (and also Excel's solution)
The Hebrew date is: י"ג טבת תתק'"ס
However your site says: י"ד טבת תתק'"ס
Can you please explain the difference?

Thank you.

Under review

Several websites (Hebcal, Chabad, TorahCalc) all agree that Sun, September 29, 2239 = 29th of Elul, 5999.

Perhaps there's an error in your VBA program?