
Google calendar integration

David K. 6 months ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 6 months ago 3

After years of flawless integration, my Google calendar (in daily view) suddenly displays the Hebrew calendar as a separate parallel day instead of integrating it with my main calendar. This started suddenly on 09 September 2024.


Under review

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal and the Google Calendar integration. We're sorry to hear that you're having difficulty seeing an integrated view and are now seeing a separate parallel day. Unfortunately, we can't help much here - we haven't made any change on our end that could cause your Google calendar daily view to appear any differently. 

Perhaps there is a setting you can change on the Google Calendar side?

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Glad this worked for you. Shabbat shalom & shana tova!

Hi Michael-

Thanks so much. Your advice was perfect, and the problem was solved.  I don't know when the "View calendars side by side" button was executed and why it only applied to Hebcal, but eliminating it was the solution.

Yasher koach, and have a healthy and sweet 5785! 


Under review

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal and the Google Calendar integration. We're sorry to hear that you're having difficulty seeing an integrated view and are now seeing a separate parallel day. Unfortunately, we can't help much here - we haven't made any change on our end that could cause your Google calendar daily view to appear any differently. 

Perhaps there is a setting you can change on the Google Calendar side?

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