
Problem with Subscribed Calendar Link

Joseph 4 months ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 3 months ago 5

Created a subscribed calendar link which originally contained only Yahrzeit's. I have now started adding birthdays and anniversaries. The name has changed to Hebrew Anniversaries. However the subscribed link ends with name Yahrzeit.ics. This is weirding me out. Happy to try to copy over my calendar  and create a new link but don't want to do one event at a time. Any solutions?

Yes, the Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar offers a CSV Import feature. No, there is no way to copy from one Hebcal Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar to another Hebcal Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar.

Please note that even if you create a new Hebcal Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar, the calendar feed will still contain the word "yahrzeit" in every event description as you have noticed earlier. Again, this is because each event, regardless of type, includes a link back to the website to allow editing, and the website URL happens to contain the word yahrzeit.

We're sorry to hear that you're continuing to have difficulty. Hebcal is a 100% free website run entirely by volunteers. Our mission is to increase awareness of Jewish holidays and to help Jews to be observant of the mitzvot. If our Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar doesn't work for your needs, we understand completely and we wish you well!


Yes, this is expected. The website for the Hebcal Yahrzeit + Anniversary Calendar is located at https://www.hebcal.com/yahrzeit

and as such, any embedded links back to the website will always contain the world Yahrzeit as part of the URL, regardless of whether the event is a birthday, anniversary, or Yahrzeit.

OK. So we’re back from where I started. Without a solution. Is there anyway for me to copy or import the 7 events in the yahrzeit hebcal calendar to a new hebcal calendar?  Rentering all events solution of last resort. 

Under review

Hi, thanks for your message. We are sorry to hear that the word "Yahrzeit" appearing in the feed URL is upsetting.

You can change the end of the feed URL to anything you like and the calendar feed will continue to work correctly.

For example if the URL is currently 

https://download.hebcal.com/v3/01j45hp8v8mx6n3gkc35crdz43/yahrzeit.ics then you can simply change the feed URL to be https://download.hebcal.com/v3/01j45hp8v8mx6n3gkc35crdz43/personal.ics

Let us know if this works for you?

Nope. Doesn't work. I can change the subscribe link name but whenever I click on any of the events in calendar yahzreit is embedded edit in every link in every event as https://www.hebcal.com/yahzreit/edit/characterstring. . I even deleted subscription, unsubscribed, resubscribed and it created personal.ics on its own. But open up any event and its yahzreit.

I even added user name and password. No joy.