You want to display the Hebrew date at the top of each cell? We have not tried that but you can probably do that with a FullCalendar dayCellContent render hook. This would be a custom JavaScript function you write to convert from Gregorian date to Hebrew date using the HDate class from @hebcal/core.
You want to display the Hebrew date at the top of each cell? We have not tried that but you can probably do that with a FullCalendar dayCellContent render hook. This would be a custom JavaScript function you write to convert from Gregorian date to Hebrew date using the HDate class from @hebcal/core.
Hi, thanks for using the Hebcal APIs.
We are sorry we don't understand your question about combining Hebrew dates.
Could you paste a code sample and a screenshot or a URL of your demo explaining better what you see and more detail about what you wish to see?
There is extensive documentation about FullCalendar at their website
Thank you so much - this really helped me!
Great! Glad this worked for you.
This is the code for my calander:
plugins={[dayGridPlugin, interactionPlugin]}
headerToolbar={{ right: 'today prev,next', center: '', left: 'title' }}
titleFormat={{ year: 'numeric', month: 'long' }}
events={[...hebrewDates, ...currentEvents]}
initialEvents={[...hebrewDates, ...currentEvents]}
eventClick={onEventClick} />
I want the Hebrew date to enter in the date and not an additional event for the day
And that's how it looks: