
Yahrzeit on 30 Adar I

bellzw 1 year ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 1 year ago 1

For a yahrzeit that occurs on 30 Adar I 5760, Hebcal produces a table showing the yahrzeit occurring on 1 Nisan in non-leap years.  Yet the discussion at https://www.hebcal.com/home/54/anniversaries-adar-cheshvan-kislev seems to say that it should be on the last day of Shevat (30 Shevat) in non-leap years. I've attached a screen shot of what I see.

Image 269

Have I misunderstood something?  BTW, Chabad shows me an anniversary calendar with the yahrzeit on 30 Shevat in non-leap years.



Hi, thanks for contacting Hebcal.

To calculate yahrzeit dates, please use our Yahrzeit + Anniversary Calendar page. You will note that if you enter 11-March-2005 you will get the Ashkenazic practice for 30 Adar I.

Image 270

Thank you for posting a screenshot from our simple Hebcal Hebrew Date converter. The Hebrew Date Converter page does not follow the special rules for a yahrzeit.


Hi, thanks for contacting Hebcal.

To calculate yahrzeit dates, please use our Yahrzeit + Anniversary Calendar page. You will note that if you enter 11-March-2005 you will get the Ashkenazic practice for 30 Adar I.

Image 270

Thank you for posting a screenshot from our simple Hebcal Hebrew Date converter. The Hebrew Date Converter page does not follow the special rules for a yahrzeit.