Not a bug

candlelighting on saturday

Sarah P. 7 months ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 6 months ago 5


I want to use the parameter c=on to display shabbos times, but it displays  candlelighting on saturday and havdoloh on sunday. Maybe because my calendar takes sunday as the first day o the week.

Any solution?



Thanks for posting that. From looking at the code snippet you sent, you are using the JSON Jewish calendar API.

The problem is in your code. This API returns dates and times using the standard ISO 8601 format. Dates will look like 2015-05-22T17:11:00-03:00

Check your application code and confirm that you are interpreting dates correctly with respect to the genonameid location you are using 


Thanks for posting that. From looking at the code snippet you sent, you are using the JSON Jewish calendar API.

The problem is in your code. This API returns dates and times using the standard ISO 8601 format. Dates will look like 2015-05-22T17:11:00-03:00

Check your application code and confirm that you are interpreting dates correctly with respect to the genonameid location you are using 

Thanks. I'm using this url:

https://www.hebcal.com/hebcal/?v=1&cfg=json&year=now&month=x&s=on&i=' + (location === "9322115" ? 'on' : "off") + '&maj=on&min=on&nx=on&mf=on&ss=on&s=on&lg=ahc=on&geo=geoname&geonameid=3448439

Sorry to hear you are still having trouble. Please post some screenshots, URLs, and more information. We cannot offer any additional help with the limited information you have provided. The root cause of the issue could be misconfiguration of timezone on the computer or device you are using.

Hi, thanks for your response. Unfortunately, the issue is not solved. The candle-lighting time is displaying on saturday maybe because my calendar displays sunday as the first day of the week? There is no candle lighting time at all on fridays.


Not a bug

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

Please note that because there are many holidays that fall on weekends this year, you'll find candle-lighting for 2nd day chag on Saturday night September 30th (for 2nd evening of Sukkot) and Saturday night October 7 (for erev Simchat Torah). In addition, you'll find Havdalah on Sunday night because this is when yontiff ends.

When there isn't a holiday on Sunday (for example, the weekend of Friday October 13 through Sunday October 15), you'll find Havdalah on Saturday night as expected.