Under review

Uing URL in JSON fetch

Mal Sokol 9 months ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 9 months ago 1

The URL posted for Hebrew to Gregorian (item 3 on the page) is shown as the HREF of an A tag in HTML.  When clicked, a new page opens with the JSON data of the Converter including Gregorian date and other info.  I am trying to use that same URL in a JavaScript FETCH  and when I execute,  it does not look like that the correct data is being returned, but rather a default perhaps that is returning the current date.   I am using ASYNC/AWAIT on the retrieval and the script has the code fetch (url)  where url is the string that works in the HREF.  

Under review

Thanks for using the Hebcal APIs.

Can you please post a snippet of code? This would help with debugging. We don't have the context you have when you write "item 3 on the page" and other things, so it's difficult to help you.