
is there a way to get csv of secular calendar showing jewish holidays going back 50 years?

RAMIN 2 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 2 years ago 1



The short answer is that if you are comfortable editing a URL, you can append something like ?ny=50 to the end of a download.hebcal.com URL to download 50 years at a time (the "ny" stands for "number of years").

1. Go to https://www.hebcal.com/hebcal

2. Fill out the form for your preferences (for example starting in 1973) and choose "Create Calendar"

3. Click the "Download" button and a modal will pop up

4. Select the "CSV" option

5. Right-click on the CSV download option and pick "Copy link address"

6. Paste the link address into your browser URL bar (but don't hit the enter button on your keyboard)

7. Append ?ny=50 to the end of the URL, then click Enter

The downloaded CSV file should cover the range 1973 - 2023.  Adjust the year in step 2 above per your needs.


The short answer is that if you are comfortable editing a URL, you can append something like ?ny=50 to the end of a download.hebcal.com URL to download 50 years at a time (the "ny" stands for "number of years").

1. Go to https://www.hebcal.com/hebcal

2. Fill out the form for your preferences (for example starting in 1973) and choose "Create Calendar"

3. Click the "Download" button and a modal will pop up

4. Select the "CSV" option

5. Right-click on the CSV download option and pick "Copy link address"

6. Paste the link address into your browser URL bar (but don't hit the enter button on your keyboard)

7. Append ?ny=50 to the end of the URL, then click Enter

The downloaded CSV file should cover the range 1973 - 2023.  Adjust the year in step 2 above per your needs.