
UK Reform triennial

G H 11 months ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 11 months ago 1

Hebcal currently presents the American Conservative triennial as the only triennial. In fact, you have to go deep into Hebcal to even find the triennial is from the Rabbinical Assembly: https://www.hebcal.com/home/50/what-is-the-triennial-torah-reading-cycle

However, the UK Reform movement has been using its own triennial for some time, and the current cycle is published at https://www.reformjudaism.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Calendar-of-Torah-and-Haftarah-Readings-5782-5784.pdf

It would be great if Hebcal could display alternatives, or at least be clear there are alternatives.



Hi, thanks for your message.

We were not aware of a UK Reform triennial cycle before you alerted us to its existence. Thanks for letting us know about it! We added a brief note to the Hebcal triennial Torah reading FAQ page indicating that this resource is available.

At the current time, it looks like it would be difficult for Hebcal to display the UK Reform cycle as an alternative. To enable that, we would need a more complete cycle published. Currently we see only two different 3-year cycles (5782-5784 and 5785–5787) published on the reformjudaism.org.uk website.

When you consider the variations of Vayakhel-Pekudei, Tazria-Metzora and other parshiyot being read together or separately in any given 3-year cycle, there are a total of 42 distinct 3-year cycles that occur over the millennia. If the UK Reform Judaism movement chooses to publish a perpetual schedule (something akin to the A Complete Triennial System for Reading the Torah published by the Rabbinical Assembly), please let us know and we will take a look!