Link parasha and holidays to my website
I integrated Hebcal a website, thank you so much for this great tool which is unique and so useful!!! You are so clever.
I wonder if I can make the sedrot and holidays link to a custom url on my website, rather than the hebcal link. Or if this not possible, at least disable the existing link?
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi, thanks for using Hebcal. Yes, it's possible to replace our links with your own using a bit of custom JavaScript.
If you are using the FullCalendar integration, you can replace the events JSON feed URL with a JavaScript function
Inside the function you'll want to fetch our event feed (taking care to append the info.start and info.end parameters at the end of the URL as ISO 8601 strings), and then use JSON.parse to convert the entire feed into an array of event objects. Then iterate through the array, and either delete the url field or replace it with one that points to your own website.
Does this answer your question?
Yes it does! I'm very impressed, Hebcal is really advanced! Thank you so much for your help, I hope I will be able to implement it easily.
Thank you for your quick answer, you really helped me!
Excellent. Glad this helped. Good luck!
Thank you, I still need a bit more help. In the function, I need to specify the ajax library, for example: import { req } from 'superagent'; and a PHP feed: req.get('myxmlfeed.php').
How do I indert the hebcal feed?
Maybe you have a working example of this? Thank you for your help!
We recommend looking at the FullCalendar.io examples and documents as they have excellent documentation and a large community. I personally prefer the fetch function (referenced above) instead of ajax libraries like suoeragent or axios. Again, consult the FullCalendar docs and just follow their examples.
Thank you so much for taking the time to anwer me! I couldn't find any examples with fetch function. If you don't mind it would really help me if you could send me a short example of the url fetch function with the info.end and info.start parameters. Thanks and sorry for my little understanding!
Here's an example