
How to retreive shabbat time only and not roch hachana information in the API for shabbat

Yos 2 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 2 years ago 1

How to retreive shabbat time only and not roch hachana information in the API for shabbat



The Shabbat API returns multiple events that occur during the coming week, including of course candle-lighting and Havdalah and the weekly Torah portion. It also may include events like Rosh Chodesh.

If you'd like to ignore Rosh Hashana or other holiday-related events, our general recommendation is for your application to filter the items array in the returned response, paying careful attention to items that meet your application's criteria. For example, you may be interested only in those items that have a category that matches candles, parashat, or havdalah.


The Shabbat API returns multiple events that occur during the coming week, including of course candle-lighting and Havdalah and the weekly Torah portion. It also may include events like Rosh Chodesh.

If you'd like to ignore Rosh Hashana or other holiday-related events, our general recommendation is for your application to filter the items array in the returned response, paying careful attention to items that meet your application's criteria. For example, you may be interested only in those items that have a category that matches candles, parashat, or havdalah.