Under review

dates appear incorrect in google calendar

Tzipi 4 months ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 4 months ago 1

hello, I created my own family calendar imported it to google. it is fine

but now I want to add another yortzeit on the site the list of dates seems correct (2nd of Teveth) but on google calendar after importing it appear on different dates over the years. why? what happened? 

Under review

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal!

The 2nd day of Tevet is expected to fall.on different Gregorian calendar dates. For example:

Mon, 10 Dec 20182 Tevet 5779
Mon, 30 Dec 20192 Tevet 5780
Thu, 17 Dec 20202 Tevet 5781
Mon, 6 Dec 20212 Tevet 5782
Mon, 26 Dec 20222 Tevet 5783
Thu, 14 Dec 20232 Tevet 5784
Thu, 2 Jan 20252 Tevet 5785
Mon, 22 Dec 20252 Tevet 5786
Sat, 12 Dec 20262 Tevet 5787
Sat, 1 Jan 20282 Tevet 5788
Wed, 20 Dec 20282 Tevet 5789
Sat, 8 Dec 20292 Tevet 5790

If you have a Yahrzeit occuring on that date, you should expect to see the anniversary sometimes in December and some years in January.