
Torah Reading Aliyot Link to a Tikkun

lahdeedah 7 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 3 years ago 5

There's a new online Tikkun at http://www.tikkun.io/. As a ba'al koreh it would be extremely helpful if your links for the individual aliyot could link to the aliyot at tikkun.io



Thanks for using Hebcal and thanks for the feedback! We recently added some links to tikkun.io from our parsha pages.


Thanks for using Hebcal and thanks for the feedback! We recently added some links to tikkun.io from our parsha pages.

Hi. Would it be possible to create the links to the Tikkun for triennial readings as well? Actually, what would be more appreciated would be if these links could be included in the .csv download. Thank you!


Great suggestions! We have added the tikkun.io links to the web pages for Triennial. No firm date on when we can adjust CSV files.

Shabbat shalom!

I normally copy and paste the (triennial) aliyot from your website into Dreamweaver (CS5.5 ver 11.5). Works like a charm, including the Sefaria links! But the new tikkun.io links don't copy. Could that be fixed? I use Firefox 92.0 in Windows 10. Many thanks for your great website.

Hi, sorry to hear that Tikkun.io links don't copy well to Dreamweaver. This might be something that could be improved on the tikkun.io side? You can file a bug report for their site here: https://github.com/akivajgordon/tikkun.io/issues

Also, please note that if you're regularly cutting and pasting Triennial readings from Hebcal, you may wish to take a look at our downloadable CSV spreadsheets which were designed to make it easy for leyning coordinators and Bar/Bat Mitzvah tutors:
