
shabbat API info by start= and end= in zmanim api not exist

Itzhak Duani 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

i want to fetch few shabbat times in advance with start= and end=, like in the weekly times. 
but its not working.
i can only receive info for the next shabbat in calendar 
i am missing something ?
or its just doesn't exist...?



Hi, thanks for your question.

This behavior is by design. The Shabbat API always displays the current week's information, including both Friday and Saturday, even if Friday has already passed. No, there is no way to change this behavior by specifying different start/end parameters.

If you want control over date ranges please instead use our Jewish calendar API and specify start and end parameters. The returned JSON is nearly identical to the Shabbat API so it should be easy to transition to this supported API.

wow, thank you or the quick respond !! (:
much appreciated 


Hi, thanks for your question.

This behavior is by design. The Shabbat API always displays the current week's information, including both Friday and Saturday, even if Friday has already passed. No, there is no way to change this behavior by specifying different start/end parameters.

If you want control over date ranges please instead use our Jewish calendar API and specify start and end parameters. The returned JSON is nearly identical to the Shabbat API so it should be easy to transition to this supported API.